Just a collection of rantings, ravings, thoughts and stories to share with all!

About Me

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Ashville, Ohio, United States
Jim, Jimmy, Uncle Jimmy, Big Jim, Jenks, Bass Viking, River, Riverbread, Dad, Papaw, Grandpa --- Just a few of the monikers I answer to from family and friends.......... I pretty much answer to whatever and have never really been too upset by what anybody has called me.

December 13, 2009

Why Change, Why Worry by Jim Jenkins

I recently had thoughts about changing me, so I started by making a list
of what I would like to accomplish, what I’ve done and what I have missed.
My list had a column for each of the things I wanted to remember and note.
Thoughts and ideas sprang forward, and became scribbled the faster I wrote.
The list got big very quickly, of things to do and already done in my life.
It included material things like houses and cars and raising two boys with a wife,
my desire for a piece of property, to have quality friends and my health,
I never for one second considered, making a listing for wealth.
My scribbling included relationships, both those current and others long gone;
divorce ended one, death ended others, and with some I maintain a bond.
A listing of people involved in my life, who have made it be what it’s been.
I see some pretty regular, some not at all, and others I’ve not seen for years;
some which I can never see again and those thoughts of them bring about tears.
I scratched down successes I’ve had in this life or still hope to have fore I’m through,
the many ways which I’ve helped others, and more that I’d like to do.
Then I edited my list for what made me happy, when those things happened before.
Most seemed just like a starting point, a place to begin searching for more.
But there were some items which made me contented, and left my face with a smile.
I wondered aloud, why not revisit these things, why has it been such a while;
since I stopped and pondered how good things are and realized how good they could be;
if I only would quit dwelling on the future of things and open my eyes up and see;
Why are we often dissatisfied, dwelling on things we don’t have or things sad?
Why not look at the good that we’ve got, and not always focus on bad?
Though successes in life seem to matter, as a measure of what we’ve all done,
they remain just a way to compare us with others and keep us from having some fun.
So, after much pondering and putting this list together and giving it all of this thought
I’m going to start enjoying the things that I have, and I’ve decided that changing, I’m not !
I’ve come to the conclusion, there’s nothing wrong with me, except losing a pound or two;
which can keep me from having one hell of a life, until my time on this earth is through.
So I will embrace my friends and look for others, and realize many consider me a success.
I just need to relax and quit worrying about things that sometimes have made me a mess.
So, my life is where it was as I began this year, not sure of what this year might be bringing.
But I am going to move forward one day at a time, and to the life that I have, I’ll be clinging.
I’m not going to cry on anyone’s shoulder and burden them with some useless story;
I am just going to enjoy all of that which I have, and until I’m done, Why worry ?

The Coaches Wife by Jim Jenkins

When his day as a coach is just beginning;
when his thoughts have turned to his team winning;
you leave your every day job and head off to your other;
where you handle cooking, cleaning and you are the mother.
You usually have the laundry, the kids and the meals;
you have to be the taxi service for the kids with your wheels.
Each and every day, you take care of the kids and the house
You provide the stability needed, as the coach’s spouse.

Sitting in the stands, sometimes your husband gets cursed;
Pretending not to hear what is said, cruel people are the worst.
You handle it well when somebody gets too harsh and loud;
you look beyond what you hear, you choose to stay proud.
For you accept what coaches do in molding these young men,
as they teach them life’s lessons; as they strive for that win.
You help with what is needed, you do everything you can,
You offer your all, for you’re his number one fan.

After the games, you rush and go straight to your kitchen
And though you are tired, this is not a time for bitchin
Because there is a group that will show up, wanting to eat
And they won’t have anything to feed on if you don’t fix a treat.
You worry each time, is my house presentable and clean;
is there enough to eat, drink, everything in between?
For this becomes your playing field, and most folks cannot tell
The game prep you have done so all this turns out well.

And, when all of this is over, and it is the end of a hectic day;
you still have things to think about, other roles to play.
You may have to soothe his feelings if the game turned out bad;
and avoid making it worse by saying something to make him mad.
You worry about the children and the time you feel is not spent;
and the way they handled all of this as their day has come and went.
But, they are tough and so are you as you handle this type of life;
tomorrow will be another day in the life of a coach’s wife.
